Category: Uncategorized

  • Welcome 2010!

    This is what the first day of 2010 looks like where I am. Impeccable weather to stay at home and reflect on the past and future decade and how to bring all this together to the present. Happy New Year everyone!

  • Tedx São Paulo

    About a month ago, I submitted my answers to the questions posed by Tedx São Paulo in order to watch the first event,  which  expects to gather more than 600 people.  We have been asked to answer a number of questions in order to be selected to participate.  I have just received confirmation and here…

  • Facilitating Online Communities – motivation

    I had seen the FOC08 course on Wikieducator but did not realize it was happeningt until Alex nudged me. The opportunity for conversation that drew me in –  educators I know f2f , others with whom I have collaborated online, names I have seen in other spaces and places and finally the possibility of meeting…

  • Slight identity crisis

    Forgive my (hopefully temporary) identity crisis and the switching of files and content from one domain to the other. Wide Open Spaces is up and running again here. Beespace will be the main portal, will link to this blog and contain other goodies still in the making 🙂  Please bear with me while I experiment…

  • Free Burma

    Participate and spread the word. Freedom requires not only eternal vigilance but also sustained dialogue and reflection on its nature and meaning.

  • Blogcamp Brazil

    Participating tomorrow in the first blogcamp Brazil. The event is going to spread throughout the WE at Casa Gafanhoto. It will be interesting to discuss with bloggers from different communities the kind of content and information their blogs generate and how helpful they are in their areas. Interesting issues for me, as a language teacher,…

  • Share your soul

    I have just got an invitation from Patricia Glogowski to join Shelfari , a social media website for book lovers launched last November. You can add titles to your personal bookshelf, connect with friends, browse other users’ bookshelves, recommend books and engage in book discussions. Thanks Patricia, not a bad idea, but something you could…

  • cogs, nodes & codes

    My mind is exhausted, my thoughts fragmented… Many of the questions keep recurring, unanswered. No time or peace to dig deeper, digest or make sense. Cogs in the machine of industrial times, nodes in the knowledge network… emerging, harnessing, retrieving disruptive cogs nodes codes playing with words

  • My students’ blogging environments

    Will Richardson’s latest post is on blogging tools and how the different platforms are becoming easier to handle and offering more and more options for educators like privacy and transparency. My classes are blogging openly using as the main tool to which a number of sattelites are connected (Flickr, 43Things, Places and People,,…

  • A time out of time

    Originally uploaded by beewebhead. Back from my two-week tour in Europe, which encompassed Barcelona (+some parts of Catalunya), Paris and London. It was a much needed break , a cyclical journey retracing the steps of those who got their inspiration long before me, positioning myself in different spaces, with different people at different times, reflecting…