Using Weblogs in ESL/EFL Classes:
New Developments, Uses, and Challenges

Consult your working environment

(YM apc33)
Kyoto, Japan
(UTC/GMT +9)

Under the Influence of Epoche

(YM bdieu2001) 
  Sao Paulo, Brazil
(UTC/GMT -2)

Bee-coming a Webhead

(YM bcgstanley)
Barcelona, Spain
(UTC/GMT +1)

Blog EFL


Weekly Goals
Your Check List
Weekly Chats
Dates, Times and Venues

Week 1

Introductions, survey, getting acquainted with blogs

  • Socialize and do survey
  • Get to know the environments we will be working in (Yahoo Groups, Wiki, Yahoo Messenger, Blogger, Tappedin, Learning Times, Alado)
  • Quickly review main concepts related to blogs/wikis
  • Become familiar with the main features of Blogger, and explore ways these features can initially be used.
  • Prepare personal blogs for introduction to the community.

January 17th to January 23rd

Anne Davis
Atlanta, USA
(UTC/GMT -5)

Chat:What are weblogs?

at Tappedin on Friday
January 21st at 14:00 GMT

Week 2

Contrast and compare various asynchronous tools, different weblog categories and uses

  • Contrast and compare various asynchronous tools,
    different weblog providers, styles and uses

  • Gain a better understanding of what weblogs and wikis are and what the term 'interactive webpublishing' means

January 24th to January 30th

  • Check the time/date/venue of this week's two chats and add your name to the Yahoo database if you are planning to attend them.
  • Verify and complete the webquest tasks for 2nd week.
  • View different blog software and providers (free and open source)
  • Compare and contrast them to notice boards, forums, webpages, and wikis
  • Examine various uses and categories
    (personal blogs, student blogs, class blogs, open, closed)

  • Post links and resources to the wiki and comments on personal and community blog

James Farmer
Geelong, Australia
(UTC/GMT + 11)

Chat: Communication dynamics: Discussion boards, weblogs, wikis and
the development of communities of inquiry in online learning

at Alado on Monday
January 24th at 22:00 GMT

Dana Watson
East Lansing, Michigan,USA
(UTC/GMT -5)

W. Jason Reagin
Suzhou, China
(UTC/GMT +8)


Yu Hua Chen (Stella)
Changhua City, Taiwan
(UTC/GMT +8)

Jam Session:Using Weblogs

at Tappedin on Wednesday
January 26th at 12:00 pm GMT

Week 3

Personalisation and RSS

  • Gain a better understanding of what RSS is and how it works
  • Visualize different scenarios on how to use RSS
  • Syndicate and aggregate
  • Discuss possible applications in EFL/ESL

January 31st to February 6th

  • Check the time/date/venue of this week's two chats and add your name to the Yahoo database if you are planning to attend them.
  • Verify and do the webquest tasks for 3rd week
  • Configure and personalize your blogs, while learning how RSS and aggregation works.
  • Make sure there is an RSS feed link on your weblogs
  • Begin using aggregators to subscribe to relevant links.
  • Get acquainted with various aggregation software (like Bloglines), web-based search and tracking services (like Feedster and Technorati), and other useful tools (like Furl, Haloscan, etc)
  • Post links and resources to the wiki and comments on personal and community blog

Will Richardson
Flemington, NJ, USA
(UTC/GMT -5)

Chat:Weblogs and RSS
at Learning Times on Monday
31st January at 15:00 GMT

Mary Harrsch
Eugene,OR, USA
(UTC/GMT- 8)

Chat: Can RSS help learners and educators? Practical scenarios.
at Learning Times on Wednesday
February 2nd at 23:00 GMT

Week 4

Images and Sounds: Latest Trends

  • Get to know various software applications that support working with images and sound.
  • Discuss possible applications/activities in EFL/ESL

February 7th to
February 13thn

  • Check the time/date/venue of this week's two chats and add your name to the Yahoo database if you are planning to attend them.
  • Verify and complete the webquest tasks for 4th week
  • Discover examples of

    a) photoblogs
    b) audblogs
    c) moblogs
    d) videoblogs
    e) podcasting

  • Incorporate images and sound to your personal blog
  • Post links and resources to the wiki and comments on personal and community blog

Teresa Almeida Eça
Lisbon, Portugal
(UTC/GMT- 0)

Blogging beyond text

at Learning Times on Tuesday February 8th at 14:00 GMT

Vance Stevens
Abu Dhabi, UAE
(UTC/GMT + 4)

Michael Coghlan
Adelaide, Australia
(UTC/GMT +9:30 )

Voices from the Edge

at LearningTimes on Friday
February 11th at 22:30 GMT

Week 5

Weblogging Projects

  • Explore ways of using technology in the EFL/ESL classroom by examining and discussing several projects currently underway (collaborative projects, blogging communities, E-portfolios)

February 14 to February 20th

  • Check the time/date/venue of this week's two chats and add your name to the Yahoo database if you are planning to attend them.
  • Complete the webquest tasks for 5th week
  • Check different sites and discuss with the teachers (and students) involved
  • Post links and resources to the wiki and comments on personal and community blog

Julie Lindsay
Dakha, Bangladesh
(UTC/GMT + 6)

Chat: Weblogs and student portfolio projects. Why and how to implement them
at Tappedin on Tuesday
February 15th at 14:00 GMT

Anne Davis

Chat: Weblogs and School Projects
at Alado
on Friday
February 18th at 14:00 GMT

Week 6

Building a community of practice

  • explore how to cultivate and maintain a thriving weblog-based learning community.

February 21st to February 27th

  • Check the time/date/venue of this week's two chats and add your name to the Yahoo database if you are planning to attend them.
  • Verify the webquest task for 6th week

Jason Ward
Dubai, UAE

(UTC/GMT +4)

Chat: Blog Assisted Language Learning
at Tappedin on Monday
February 21st at 14:00 GMT

Nicky Hockly
Barcelona, Spain (GMT +1)

Gavin Dudeney
Barcelona, Spain (GMT +1)

Jam Session: Online Communities
at Learning Times on Thursday
February 24th 14:00 GMT