at the Lycée Pasteur
Franco - Brazilian school
in São Paulo, Brazil


          When librarian Brigitte Tramolay announced at the beginning of 2000 a cartoon week with Emanuel Lepage for the classes of 4ème3 in the framework of French project Lire en Fête and asked the teachers to think about themes that could be developed, I immediately thought the 6 key points of the UNESCO Peace Manifesto 2000 would give our students interesting material to work on:

Respect Life
Reject Violence
Share with Others
Listen to Understand
Preserve the Planet
Rediscover Solidarity

          In this way, Lire en Fête joined hands with This is Our Time Project initiated for the UNESCO Associated Schools Project (ASPnet) by e_Linq in the Netherlands and of which the Lycée has become home base for the French-speaking countries. Their site is being translated into French by our students of 1ères.

 "This is our Time" is an annual, global telecommunications project for secondary schools. It seeks effective and innovative ways to enable young people from many different cultures and countries to communicate "face to face" on current issues such as human rights, peace, sustainable development and global citizenship.

            As Year 2000 was the "International Year for a Culture of Peace", the CDI and teachers worked in interdisciplinarity on both projects for the kids to get the maximum out of them. The Peace Manifesto was used as the backbone in both projects to activities at different phases: building awareness, communicating and finally incorporating the points into a personal production. The 4èmes, 3èmes and 2ndes worked on them from June to November. A booklet on Lire en Fête with students' illustrations and teachers' comments was published in different languages at the beginning of 2001 and distributed at school.


Building Awareness
(June - August)


Production 3èmes

Production 2ndes/4èmes
(16th November)


          Projects like these, allow us to discover new horizons, foster communication between educators within the school and internationally. They structure activities which leave aside the traditional way of teaching and prove to more conservative minds that students get more motivated and involved when they are allowed to interact, produce and share information.

          Students learn how to work in groups, co-operate, respect the others' rhythm and ideas. In defining their position towards global issues, they become more aware of the world around them, which promotes initiative. facilitates their insertion and responsible action. The use of new technologies makes the project more exciting and interactive and also breaks the resistance of some who might go against its pedagogical use.

           Projects of this kind provide our school the opportunity to go beyond its walls, to open up to new experiences and points of view, to show students, teachers, administrators alike we are part of a larger context which cannot be neglected.

This is Our Time Project

Organized by the English Department:
Barbara Dieu, Haydée de Oliveira, Maryse Carvas

Participating Teachers:

M. José de Lara, Marcos Gomes, Roberto Saito,
Margot Septanil, Martine Chalard,Valerie Flaquer,
Philipe Cloarec, Bertrand Labarre,
Alain Jean, Philipe Brandou

Lire en Fête Project

Organized by librarians:
Brigitte Tramolay, Yvette Lodomez and Paulette

French cartoonist
Emanuel Lépage and Arts teacher Alicia Nigrin

Participating Teachers:
   Martine Chalard, Jean Yves Legall, Laurent Desbois,


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