James Farmer’s Chat – Connecting the Threads

Yesterday at 22.00 GMT James Farmer ‘s chat at Alado was blogged live by three different participants who were attending the presentation online. Cleve Miller , Gerry Paille and Graham Stanley covered the event for us and I encourage you to read them and compare the information you get and the style of writing. (To our journalists: please do not edit them) . Aaron has also reported on it after the event.

I believe the interest of this kind of exercise in an EFL/ESL class is not only the practice you get in note-taking but also the awareness it gives you of different frames of mind, how different people record and react to the information that is coming at them and the kind of content they focus on most at the time of the presentation.

Janet Luch has posted a link to a very interesting article on our wiki : What we learn from the Convention blogging and comments:
“I was particularly interested in this article because one of the ways I would like to use blogs is from field trips and teachers conventions. This article discusses what it is like to blog from big, fast-paced events. “

Blogging helps us connect these different threads!

1 thought on “James Farmer’s Chat – Connecting the Threads”

  1. Thanks for “recruiting” me for the liveblogging, Bee. I wrote to Graham that “my relationship with the event was so much more active, and the (conceptual) interaction so much richer, that I gained quite a bit more than if I had been a “listener + a question or two” only, which was my previous profile”.


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