Jean MichelChaupart (Colombia) and Mario Asselin (Canada!) have graciously nominated me for the Edublog Awards , in the Best use of weblogs within teaching and learning category. The polls are hosted on James Farmer’s Incsub Association community site, a free-for-teachers hosting support and community in using weblogs, wikis and open source CMSs.
Thank you Jean Michel and Mario (not a webhead yet… but thinks and acts like one…should be invited to join) for the thought and recognition and another special thanks go to the WiAs (Webheads in Action) for their encouragement and enthusiastic support 🙂
This an excellent opportunity to unveil and get acquainted with some excellent blogs that are on the list and which do deserve your full attention. Have a look and cast your vote!
One example is Natalie d’ Arbeloff’s Blaugustine . Although not strictly academic, it is not only highly instructive, educational and thought-provoking but also the best designed and most beautiful blog I have ever read.
In best individual blog there is the one and only Stephen Downes’ Old Daily , and running in the Best technology meets pedagogy blog, Anne Davis’ EduBlogInsights , a pioneer and role model for many of us in the EFL/ESL field.
If you want to understand better why blogs are rocking the educational sphere, read James Farmer’s paper Communication dynamics: Discussion boards, weblogs and the development of communities of inquiry in online learning environments ….or/and watch his ppt presentation.
Parabéns, Bárbara 🙂 Me manda as URL dos teus projetos com blogs para que eu possa visitar e mostrar a turma de inglês do CMPA.
Obrigada Su,
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