Josie Fraser (read EdTechUK) is organizing , the UK’s first educational blogging conference on Friday, June 2nd. Keynote speakers include Barbara Ganley and Stephen Downes.
I have invited Josie to share with us her insights and impressions on the event on June 4th 21:00 GMT at our monthly Blogstreams Salon meeting at Tappedin.
Join us!
Hi Barbara
How do I join Tappedin?
I would like to take part in this meeting.
Tappedin is an online workplace of an international community of education professionals. You can log in as a guest or enroll in the community for free. As you log in (preferably 15 minutes before the event), you will land at the reception, where you will find people to help you make your way to the Blogstreams Salon. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Oi Bárbara. Não sabia onde comentar, pois não entendo muito inglês ainda. Mas gostaria de agradecer a visita e com certeza, há muito a compartilhar… assim que eu estiver mais ambientada com as ferramentas de blog verás. E quem sabe não estarei publicando um post totalmente em inglês. Hum, o que achas?
Thank you e nice to meet you.