Although the title may seem imposing, do not expect a research on the topic. It is just an example of what networking and blogging can do for you. Janet Clarey added me to her friends’ list through Explode . When I got the mail informing me about it, I decided to check what she was writing about. Her post Can YouTube led me Mark Millron’s Catalytic Conversations, in which he comments on the experience of learning and engagement and points to this video to illustrate his perspective. The video, in turn, is the result of a study of learning theory made visual through a concrete experience: initiation to golf. You visualize and hear the comments on the series of steps (observadion, scaffolding, mentoring) taken by a beginner from the moment she joins a community of practice to the transformation engendered by the learning experience.
Thanks for the heads-up on this one Bee! Was great to watch… especially as the presenter was the learner herself – putting lots of useful contemporary edu-jargon into visual examples!
Wouldn’t it be great to do a similar video (or use the same video with a different voice-over) targeted at your average learner (rather than educators) so that they can take on-board a lot of the principles as they engage in their own learning!
I might even ask my students to watch this as-is, as an experiment – perhaps I’m not giving them enough credit!
Yers, great idea Michael…or they could make a film themselves, trying to illustrate how they see their learning process. We may learn a lot from their own perception 🙂