Presentation at Tapped IN: Blogging and Presence Online

Yesterday evening about 20 BaWs joined me at the BaW presentation at Tappedin. I structured the presentation around the questions I had received and decided to answer them by writing and illustrating the different phases in an e-book.

This, I believe, gave some added value to the presentation as teachers also became acquainted with a different possibility of storing and presenting work online.

What was fun to notice was how people’s gut reaction was to pay attention to the layout first and almost forget the content. All were so excited and impressed that I had almost no content questions in the chat area… just sat back and relaxed 🙂

One of the participants even commented:

Bee ,next time you should give us just a dull word document so that we actually pay attention! Instead of such a great document!

So as many of you are about to embark on the adventure of creating a web page or using a blog…here are some questions for you to consider:

  • Does the architecture of the environement online (blog, web page, wiki, message board) affect your stds’ motivation and the way they learn, communicate, interact?
  • Will a page with text only make students read more and pay more attention to the text ?
  • What kind of balance should there be between design/layout and content online?

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