
Bernie Dodge’s Quest Garden, an online authoring tool, community and hosting service designed to make the creation of high quality WebQuests easier and quicker, will be opened to the world on September 1st.

QuestGarden is an apt metaphor for a community garden which will provide all the resources needed for users to plant many trees and flowers (webquests), share and exchange “hybridization techniques”. The environment encourages educators to comment on each others’ work, to share links and images, and to build new WebQuests on existing ones. Rather than starting from scratch, users can bring a WebQuest written by another member of the community into their workspace, modify the content or appearance to suit their needs, and use it with their own students.

Arrangements with friends around the world have been made for translation of QuestGarden into Chinese, Portuguese (by Prof Jarbas,Brazilian webquest evangelizer ), Catalan and Spanish.

View the Powerpoint slides from the NECC presentation in June and follow the latest buzz on QuestGarden News.

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