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Last updated 28.05.06

This site belongs to
Barbara Dieu

EFL teacher

Lycée Pasteur,
Curso Experimental Bilingue
São Paulo, Brazil

homebase for
This is Our Time Project
(French and Portuguese
Speaking Countries)

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Introduction - Contents

     The School Page was created so as to provide information for students and parents at the Lycée Pasteur on EFL class progression and assignments, homework, activities, newspaper, projects online, French programs and also for teachers working in the French system. It also contains a page with exercises and activities created by our teachers.

     As I had collected a great amount of data for my own teaching, I decided to share it with all people interested by opening a Students' and a Teachers' page with links and resources I found useful.
     The E-pals and Online Projects Page gives addresses and suggestions for students and teachers on how to contact correspondents and what to do to plan and conduct a successful project. From there you can also go to our own project page to see examples of completed or ongoing activities.

     The English Speaking Countries Page contains information on the English language and lots of links to all continents where English is spoken.
The Brazil Page contains a lesson plan, cultural quizzes, photographs of Foz de Iguaçu, Parati and Parati Mirim and links to more information .. It was created in order to help our students to read/write in English about their country as they often correspond with foreign e-pals. It can also be used by teachers who have Brazil on their program.I hope you find this site useful and recommend it to your friends.

For any suggestions or links, e-mail me and don't forget to sign the guestbook.

     Thank you for your time and visit :-)



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