Webquest Workshop

Bernie Dodge Senac Workshop
Bernie Dodge Senac Workshop,
originally uploaded by evo05.

From 9:30 to 17:00 pm, about 50 teachers from Senac and other schools in Sao Paulo attended the workshop on webquests led by Bernie Dodge.

The event also marked the soft launch of a new webquest editing tool that Bernie is developing and which will be released to the general public on June 29th at the NECC conference in Philadelphia.

This new tool facilitates the uploading process for teachers who are not familiar with FTP. It provides teachers with template pages they can write their webquests into, save and edit. An embedded explanation on each page scaffolds this process step by step.

What I really enjoyed here are the collaborative possibilities:

  • comments can be added to existing webquests or in development
  • a webquest in the database can be imported, transformed and adapted it to the teachers’ own needs and context (the tool acknowledges the original authorship and further modifications)
  • webquests can be exported to other locations
  • webquests may be locked out from the general public while in pilot mode and be released later on

This is most welcome as not many teachers have the time to devote to fiddling with the best structure and design to support their content.

3 thoughts on “Webquest Workshop”

  1. Não perguntei Sus. Acho que não. Obrigada pelo link. Vou passar adiante e quando tiver um tempinho, postarei sobre o que estou fazendo no Vamos Blogar.

  2. Ola Barbara
    Trabalho na Inglaterra com educacao de adultos (ESOL e Literacy). Ainda sou novata na area (2 anos), mas extremamente interessada em aprender mais! Minha formacao e pos-graduacao e em Biologia.
    Abaixo estou deixando um link para uma ferramenta de construcao de webquests que usamos aqui na Inglaterra. Pode ser que ja conhecam.


    Vc ja usou comunidades virtuais como recurso em sala de aula? Em caso positivo, qual e a sua opiniao?


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