Anne Davis is an edublogger and works with faculty, staff, and students in the area of instructional technology at the University of Georgia, USA.
In Edublog Insights, which won the 2005 Edublog Awards in the best teacher blog category, she reflects, discusses, and explores the possibilities of blogging in the classroom. Here is some advice she offers for those about to enter the blogging world (any parallels with learning a foreign language?):
- At first, keep it simple. There is much to learn. Don’t worry about what you don’t know. Just focus on how much you can achieve with learning just a little. That’s one of the amazing things about weblogs.
- There is not a “right” or a “wrong” way to post. This is an area that is wide open for exploration of learning possibilities for both students and teachers.
- Although you will probably begin by creating a weblog for your own use, keep students in mind throughout the process. Students need lots of practice engaging in exciting, collaborative learning activities where they have to discuss, think, contribute, read, and write. Weblogs are a perfect place for this so include them in your thoughts and planning.
- Don’t agonize over your postings. Of course you want to write well. What you have to say is important. But don’t get lost in feeling that every post needs to be perfect. We need more education voices (and student voices) heard!
- Try to post on a regular basis. If you don’t have time to collect all your thoughts, go ahead and post the beginning of a thought or an idea. You can always go back and add more later in a future post.
- Take the time to comment on your fellow classmate’s weblogs, as well as others you visit. This is the way online communities develop and grow.
- If you are quoting another source be sure to give them credit.
- Be sure to write a little about yourself on the About link. People visiting your site want to know a little about you and why you created a weblog.
- The links you create on the side will be of interest to those visiting your site. I always check that out and love when I find a new link that leads to further learning!
- Get ready to enter an exciting world of weblog possibilities. You’ll be joining a community of learners like yourself. I have learned so much from a cohort of dynamic, interesting, and caring EduBloggers. It’s inservice in its best form, designed by us, for us.
- Have fun and enjoy the learning journey!
Are you ready to start?