Impressions and presentation at CParty

This is my 2nd day at CParty, interacting with mostly youngsters from different tribes (gaming, bloggers, barcampers, open source geeks, robotics, digital divide activists, greens), who are camping and mingling at the Bienal building. A show of cameras, journalists, ego massage but also sharing and lots and lots of conversations. I have documented some of it in Flickr.

A young journalist, in search of news, expressed his astonishment when he asked me for an interview “What are you doing here? Do you have to be here?” When I dutifully explained, he couldn’t contain himself any longer and fired: “Do you think you are discriminated against?”, Jeez…I stared at him dumbly. “What do you mean?” He was in turn disconcerted…I mean…your age…you being a woman and a teacher…”

Hey! I did feel very educational dispelling the dualistic digital immigrant and digital native stereotype. Here is a pic of another interview (in Spanish) which shows me with the barcampers (notice the reference to age/gender/job here again: Barbara tiene 54 aƱos,/los chicos de barcamp). Can’t a 54-year-old teacher feel like a “chica de barcamp”? They have so much to teach me!

UPDATE: An interview for Nova Escola which highlights key points.

and here is a mix, remix and re-use presentation on blogs…and communities of practice…

2 thoughts on “Impressions and presentation at CParty”

  1. Dear Bee,

    Certainly the dudes from different tribes have a LOT to learn with you!

    Please, keep us updated on what is developing there. You know, this is something I’ve been more and more interested in, spreading the word of what we’ve been doing, helping other educators in Brazil to discover this new brave online world. I think our starting point was our presentation in Braz-TESOL 2005, but still, I’m wondering how we can converge Brazilian efforts as we do in the international spheres…



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