Le Web 3.0

Le Web 3.0 is almost over in Paris. Here are some links to presentations which I received from the Barcamp Brasil list.

Ewan Mc Intosh from Scotland and Mario Asselin from Canada were some of the educators present.

The only Brazilian on the list was Andre Avorio (read Etribes and Blaz) , organizer of the first Barcamp Brazil and whom I am meeting on Monday for lunch as he lands in São Paulo and has some time between flights. I have created a Flickr set to document all the f2f meetings with people I first met online. Last Saturday, I spent a lovely cultural afternoon with Fernando Trevisan and his sister Sandra.
After listening to an interview with Niklas Zennstrom on the future of the internet , a discussion emerged on the list about how most Brazilians are prevented from leading a significant role in the Internet scene because they do not speak or understand English.

In the same way small businesses in non-English speaking countries are making their products available in many languages, Brazilians should understand that they have to make an effort to be more international and not expect everyone to speak Portuguese. Open up to the world!

Mono-linguals of any nationality (Brazilians, French, Spanish…or English-speaking only) represent a species in extinction and networking with people from different areas is a must to have a wider perspective of what is going on around you.

2 thoughts on “Le Web 3.0”

  1. Found you through the Barcamp BR blog. At leats someone who doesn’t burn me for my ideas on language and the importaance of cultural ‘openess’ for Brazil to thrive on the Web.
    Are you Brazilian? You should have an ‘about me’ on this Blog 😉



  2. Hi John,
    Yes, I am Brazilian but live in a very intercultural environment. I do have an about me on this blog (see under pages at the bottom. I must bring it to the top, but this means tinkering with the template, which I have not yet had time to do.


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