Learning 2.0 in Shangai

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach skyped me the other day to ask me whether I take part in panel presentation she will be giving for the Learning 2.0 conference in Shangai on Monday 17th 9 am (check your local time). Got the time wrong and missed it . Appeared there 24 hours later. Pathetic! 🙁

Sheryl has framed our mugshots inside a computer using the Time Magazine cover to illustrate how this social media has diminished the barriers to collaboration, skill-building and discovery and as a consequence challenges the power of those who formely owned and decided on how and to whom information was to be presented.


In education, this informality and the idea of user-generated content challenges not only traditional publishing companies but also formal institutions which became stuck in their bureaucracy, unable to reflect on their role and adapt by taking measures to encourage the innovation and creativity that emerge from this changing context.

The general theme is Communication, Collaboration and Connection and Sheryl has chosen to focus on the use of participatory media to network for professional development and to model with the students, a theme close to my heart. I expect to be moderating an online workshop again for the EVO 2008 session.

Lots of familiar names from the Anglo-Saxon ICT departments and blogosphere (mostly Americans) out there to connect and start building learning communities.

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