Networking on the net

In two hours I’m flying to Brasilia for the BrazTesol 10th National Convention.

I’m looking forward to meeting the coordinators from the other Special Interest Groups and find out how the EduTech SIG can connect and help them bring more teachers online to learn about educational technology. Tomorrow we start with the pre-convention meetings, during which some colleagues will show what they have been doing and how they have been working.

On Sunday, during my session, participants will be taken on a tour and have an overview of virtual learning tools and platforms that are used to foster interaction, collaboration and build online presence. Participants will be also introduced to the concept of personal learning landscapes and communities of practice for network-based professional development. Jeff Lebow (read Worldbridges) will be webcasting the event through Skype from the Webheads in Action portal and several webheads will join me along the way on the various platforms (Alado, Tappedin, Learning Times) to show how our shared passion has brought us together and the work we have been developing online.

You can find all the information about the schedule and people involved on the wiki I opened for the occasion.

2 thoughts on “Networking on the net”

  1. Merci, Aaron! Only found your comment today 🙁
    Pity we were delayed and did not have time to speak on LT but I think participants had a good idea of what a learning platform online looks like, what can be done for free and how a community of practice can help people to develop professionally and connect.


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