Riding these waves

To celebrate my slow comeback to Beespace, I have (maybe too eagerly) enrolled in two courses which are totally different in scope:

a) Jim Groom’s Digital Story Telling, a.k.a. #ds106  – a shot at creative madness, as Alan Levine puts it (well-illustrated by d’arcy norman)

b) George Siemens (& all) Learning and Knowledge Analytics (#LAK11), “an introduction to the growing field of analytics in teaching, learning, training, development, and organizational knowledge”.

Both are of the MOOC kind, in that they are free, open to the contributions of a wider community and descentralized. While there are some suggested meeting and discussion places, they do not confine learners to  an LMS but let them participate in any forum and format they prefer.

Tux’s rippin’ the avalanche but will need to walk the board or bail out before the wipeout…

PS. : A better rendition of the same remix can be found in svg at http://data.tawawa.org/gfx/surfsup02.svg and http://data.tawawa.org/gfx/surfsup02.png.  It would be nice to make an animated gif out of it but I do not have knowledge of the tools needed nor the required skills. Anyone help?

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