Web 2.0 Awards

Hot off the press: Web 2.0 Awards!. We have been using some of the sites listed very successfully in education especially in the area of podcasting, photography, bookmarking, collaborative writing, social networking and tagging. Check out the short list!

Quick reminder to what Web 2.0 stands for:

  • user generated and/or user influenced content
  • applications that use the Web (versus the desktop) as a platform, in innovative ways
  • similar visual design and shared functional languages
  • leveraging of popular trends, including blogging, social tagging, wikis, and peer-to-peer sharing
  • inclusion of emerging web technologies like RSS, AJAX, APIs (and accompanying mashups), Ruby on Rails and others
  • open source or sharable/editable frameworks in the form of user-oriented “create your own” APIs

2 thoughts on “Web 2.0 Awards”

  1. (Sorry Bee I posted this anonymously by mistake – please delete)

    As good a description of Web 2.0 as any I’ve seen and better than most. I would probably add machine-processable semantics as another hallmark of Web 2.0.

  2. Dear Bee, since you’ve been in blogging for so long, could you please help me with your links?
    This is the message I posted to my EVO blog06 group:

    Dear colleagues,
    If you teach a foreign language and use blogs while doing it, I would really appreciate your help. Could you possibly spend 5 minutes of your time and fill in my online survey. It’s really short, simple and straightforward, and I’m really desperate for some more answers. Your participation is annonymous, however, the results will be made public, in case anyone is interested.
    Huge thanks to all of you (13) who have done it already.
    I would also be very grateful if you could possibly forward this link to anyone that may be concerned.

    The survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=620641945178

    Thank you.


    Bee, could you PLEASE forward this text to some other group of yours or let me know, where I can find some more blogging EFL teachers.
    I need the answers by yesterday:)
    I hope I don’t ask too much.
    Thanks a lot!
    (please remove this comment later)


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