You can’t always get what you want…

I just wish I were more reflective than action oriented. I wish my day contained more hours (though I wonder whether I would use them judiciously…). I wish I could read all the books piling up on my night table, which I long for but can only leaf before my eyes close in exhaustion. I wish I could remember half of what I read … but you can’t always get you want…

This is the song that was playing while we were driving to our country house last Saturday morning and that gave me the idea for this short clip. (you can click on the link if you cannot open the embeded file…but this means you will have the big screen open instead of the small console below…and will not be able to read the narration…which, unfortunately, I have not been able to insert successfully on top of the song…will keep trying though…with a little help of my friends)

You see …we live in Sao Paulo…, an octopus of a metropolis, which we flee every time we can to breathe and to oxygen mind and body. This is where we relax, where the family gets together for endless Saturday lunches and barbecues, where we celebrate Christmas together. It is our refuge. However, last week, while painting one of the bedrooms, my husband discovered that the ceiling was rotten, eaten by wood worms and was about to give in. To make things worse, in this cleaning, painting and remodelling spree in the country, we also decided that in the city, our fitted carpet had already served its years and we opted for a new clean white parquet, which was delivered this week. However, what we did not realize when we bought it, was that installing it would be soooo messy and dirty.

The flat is an egg, barely containing all the books, computers and a family of four. Add to it three workers, all the furniture upside down and being moved from one room to another while the old was being replaced by the new. For three days we lived on a campsite, swept by a dust tsunami, which covered every nook and filled every recess. As a result, we spent the whole Friday of evening wiping, cleaning and tidying, sorting out the wires hanging loose so as to get everyone connected again.

And Saturday morning we just overslept … and on our way discovered we had left the list of what we needed to buy at home…happens in the best families…

The positive thing about it is that we had the whole weekend unable to carry on what we had planned, so I got into Windows Movie Maker to make this clip. I have also tried posting it to my personal blog at Livejournal but the console would not appear (???). I wonder whether there is a different type of code that must be inserted there. Any ideas?

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