The Process
Week What kind of blogs providers can we use? What kind of content is being developed through blogs? |
Week What can we add to blogs to make them more interactive? Can you envisage some possible activities/uses of these tools in your classroom? |
Can you see yourself getting involved with any such projects with your learners? | 6th
Week What is a community of practice? What are some specific ways to maintain a healthy, active blog and cultivate a thriving EFL/ESL blog community? |
17th January 23rd |
24th January 30th |
31st February 6th |
7th February 13th |
14th February 20th |
21st February 27th |
A reminder on how we will use our working environment
Yahoo Group: schedule, socializing, doubts, questions, instructions, calendar, tasks, miscellaneous
Personal Blog: comments and reflections on your own learning process /assigned tasks
Collective Blog: assigned weekly group tasks and comments from other groups
Wiki: assemblage of commented resources related to blogging/wikis/communities of practice, list of addresses to personal blogs, collective compilation of FAQ/draft pages
Tappedin, Learning Times, Alado: synchronous conference roomsIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Webquest designed by
Aaron Campbell, Barbara Dieu and Graham Stanley
for Evonline 2005 workshop on Blogs in EFL/ESL Classes