- Mark Deuze on People Formerly Known as Employers http://tinyurl.com/6rmw6g #
- @cristinacost cannot join the chat..what is the url? #
- @cristinacost just music and no chat? Where to go? #
- at Emerge Sounds Bazaar on Digital Identities http://tinyurl.com/5q3362 #
- @carlaarena the advantage of VoiceThread is that you can listen to it in bits, go back, comment #
- @carlaarena which images? They are all referred to..the ones that are not, I do not remember where they came from..lol #
- A book to read (in French if possible) – Amin Maloouf’s Identités Meurtrieres or In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong #
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