Webhead, Corwin and Bee at Boracay

Corwin Skyped me this morning while I was having breakfast and asked me whether I was free to join him at Boracay. I quickly logged in, recovered my body in the Darkwoods, which is the last place I had been last night before the screen froze, and Corwin teleported me to his place.

He then called Webhead Link and we all teleported to a kiosk some place I do not remember to get hold of the Second Talk headset, which allows you to talk in SL. We touched a pole, took the headset to our inventory and had to throw it on the floor, click on edit /more and insert our Skype ID. The trouble was that it was a little brilliant thingie, which I could not see even with my glasses on.

As more people started to arrive and walk all over, this became even more difficult. We kept the headset in the inventory and flew back to Boracay, where I threw mine on the white puff in the terrace. I finally saw it scintillating so I picked it up, configured it and wore it as an earring on my right ear. I wonder whether it will still be on when I log back again tonight.

Corwin explained how to use it. You should type (/1 scan)(no brackets) in the chat area and a little blue window pops at the top showing you who you can talk to. You select the person (or several people) and call them. He called us and then we tried to do the same thing on our own. I managed to do it but Webhead was having pbs with his connection or firewall so the call was not completed.

It was a nice morning adventure, which ended later in Sobaeksan, with me and Webhead playing Elven drums. Fortunately I am on holidays or else this would not have been possible. Check Flickr for more pics.

2 thoughts on “Webhead, Corwin and Bee at Boracay”

  1. Dear Bee, your description is amazing. It seems like a mindblogging experience. I´ll have to get into it, but not right now. I am glad I got to this post. Cariños, Berta

  2. You bet, Berta! It is quite a unique experience. Still not totally integrated there though. Finding my way around a new world and documenting the feelings.


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